Gloria Wong (Yonnie's mentor)
CCBC-KA, CPDT-KA, Fear Free Certified® Professional
I met Yonnie through training in 2015. Even as a first-time dog owner, she had taken initiative to learn and understand each training technique. Yonnie has a gift in communicating with dogs and helping them relax during and outside of training. Her perseverance, patience, and perfectionism made her an effective trainer. When Yonnie decided to pursue a career in professional dog-training and asked me to be her mentor, I was more than happy to agree. I believe that Yonnie’s positive attitude toward work, respect for people, and immense love for animals will complement her skills and make her the best trainer one can have.

By far one of the best trainers in Toronto. She helped my very sensitive dog become a lot less fearful of strange men and kids . Yonnie is extremely knowledgeable about dog psychology, characteristics. She made a strong connection with our little puppy Jazz immediately, she uses the methods with positive reinforcement and rewards, border collie is not that easy as I thought. I am very pleased with Jazz’s progression at just 4 month of age. She’s able to do lots of things, like weave,heeling, tracking. I could not have done it without Yonnie, I would not hesitate to recommend her.
-Sylvia from Toronto

Yonnie helped us train our samoyed since he was a puppy (4 months old) we found her tips to be extremely helpful and effective. She gave us great advice to fix his behavior gave good guidance on how to handle him. She is extremely patient and understanding and always have a positive attitude, training with her has always been a fun experience for our family and our dog. She always goes above and beyond to give good tips beyond training such as diet, grooming etc. We highly recommend her as your dog trainer!
-Lily from Toronto
*Picture from owner

我今年四歲,係一隻好緊張同固執的英國老虎,幸遇到Yonnie姐姐是一件很開心的事。話說兩年前,我好容易緊張,一緊張就控制唔到自己就咬人。媽媽便幫我搵Trainer教我,但點之原來香港好多 Trainer 都為求快速見效果而表現自己好成功,都會選用P 帶教學。我上了一堂後反而令我更極度緊張,對 P 帶帶來的抽搐感到極之憤怒, 對媽媽失去信任,更想用動口咬人黎保護自己。後來遇到Yonnie 姐姐,唔洗我戴 P 帶,又唔會強迫我做我唔想做既事。最神奇是,姐姐好識睇我身體語言,好知我諗咩,先用零食取得我既信任,我倆成為好朋友後,再開始教我禮儀,整個過程令我感覺好順暢,好舒服,好專業。後來得知原來姐姐用的是正向訓練,而香港係好少訓練員有這個牌的。在姐姐循循善誘,因材施教的領導下,好快就學懂做一個媽媽很喜愛的乖寶寶,多謝您 Yonnie 姐姐
-懵懵 from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

繼早前哥哥經Yonnie 姐姐的英明領導下,成功成為一個有禮彬彬的紳士後,得知原來姐姐都會可以幫我地扮靚靚同學習指令的。媽咪決定帶我去姐姐到變身成為可愛的小公主。我好怕沖涼涼,因為我d 甲床比較長,d 姐姐一係剪到我流血,一係就剪左同未剪冇分別。去左Yonnie 姐姐到沖涼後就大不同了,姐姐好好人,每次都同我玩一陣波波先,地方又大,可以比我跑下,沖涼時,姐姐會好溫柔咁幫我按摩,又會好細心咁幫我慢慢修甲,真係五星級服務,正!Yonnie 姐姐又教識我多種指令, 仲學識左絕世武功 " 一個好難學既指令 " 添,現在,我已經成為一個聰明絕頂,活潑可愛,人見人愛的小公主了,多謝Yonnie 姐姐
-懂懂公主 from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

I began training my dog with Yonnie when he was just 2 months old,we had sessions for washroom training, crate training, food aggression, desensitization, call-backs, leash-walking and several commands, after a few sessions my dog was transformed. Yonnie is very patient, experienced and knowledgeable, she worked hard to learn about dogs and obtained certifications for dog trainer.
She showed us how positive reinforcement, patience and playtime grows the relationship between dog and owner. If you are looking for professional training for your dog, find Yonnie!
-Fanky from Toronto

Yonnie is THE best dog trainer I’ve ever met! Not only did she train my dog how to behave, she also taught me so much about how to be the best dog owner I could possibly be. Nugget is my first dog and I didn’t know much about dogs until my friend introduced Yonnie to me. She taught me so much about how to read Nugget’s body language, how to socialize him, how to train him while let him enjoy the training at the same time (this is very important!). Yonnie keeps impressing me with her professional skills and responsible attitude every day. I would highly recommend Yonnie as a caring, trustworthy, and knowledgeable dog trainer.
-Rebecca from Toronto

Doot Doot
Yonnie is a brilliant trainer who is incredible with her training tips, which taught me how to read things through eyes of our puppy. She is also very kind and patient during daycare training lessons, who has ability to maintain full focus on my puppy. We had our puppy board-and-train with Yonnie and every time our puppy has improvements on disobedience and his grooming problems. Our family is so grateful to have Yonnie to be our trainer. Big thumbs up to her!
-June from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

Yonnie has been a great help with us and Hailey, our currently 10 months old Samoyed! We brought Hailey to Yonnie at 8 weeks old and have always been so grateful that we found her. Not only has Hailey grown to be such a kind puppy to other humans but also to all other dogs she has met. She has always been there for us when we have questions and concerns, and she is incredibly patient with us as we are new to dog ownership. In terms of training like potty training and desensitization (which we didn't even know was actually Very important), we are extremely satisfied with the results as we continuously work with Yonnie. Not only has she trained Hailey very well, she had also trained us to be better pup parents! You can clearly see Yonnie's passion and care for all dogs and not to mention she has also become one of our most valuable friends!
-Christopher from Toronto

2017年認識Yonnie至今已經3年. 那時錢哥哥已經12歲,因為年紀大了,又需要特別照顧很多寄養都不願意收留。幸好遇到了Yonnie她耐心,負責,而且非常專業。對年紀大的錢哥哥也是特別的照顧,就像我自己在照顧一樣。寄養期間,Yonnie會時常發消息,照片和我保持聯繫,溝通寄養時出現的各種狀況,還會時常帶他出門遊玩,坐車兜風,錢哥哥每次去寄養,都像度假一樣非常開心,安全。讓我在遠方時刻都能安心。 Yonnie是我這麼多年認識的寄養裡面,最專業,最負責,也是最讓我放心把狗狗交給她的一位。每次出門只有Yonnie幫我照看錢哥哥,我才能100%安心。 。 。在這裡誠心推薦給每位需要寄養自己寶貝的家長們! !
-Rebecca from Toronto

Yonnie is a must when you embark on the adventure that is a new puppy! We could not have helped Poochie settle in so quickly or got her to fit into our family without Yonnie’s discipline (for us as well as Poochie!). We all know what is expected and what to do with Poochie and she knows what is expected of her, thanks to the dedication, and professional demonstrated by Yonnie.
Thank you so much Yonnie!
-Wendy from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

I have worked alongside Yonnie for almost two years in Toronto, where she performed the majority of her training. I have seen her grow from a curious and earnest worker to an extremely professional and skilled trainer, while also never losing her charm and unwavering positivity. I have never seen her stop wanting to learn – ever! Her passion for the dogs’ well-being is evident in the services she provides. She knows not only how to work well with our furry friends, but also with her clientele as well. Yonnie is patient, straightforward, and very clear on the direction she intends to take with the dogs’ training. The fact that she is also one of the most hardworking and pro-active people that I have ever met does not hurt either.
I consider myself very lucky to have worked with her, and I know her clients will enjoy many benefits offered from her training and boarding services.

Yonnie is a gifted trainer whom we highly recommend. She worked on our Bernese Mountain Dog with patience and a gentle firmness, with great results. She understands dog behavior and works with the dog’s personality for success. Our dog Koda loves seeing her every time and you can tell they have a wonderful relationship. Yonnie brings experience, knowledge and excellent results to your dog and your family. Our family loves her and you will too.
-Annie from Toronto

Thank you Yonnie for helping us with our sweet Beau. As first time dog owner we are inexperienced when taking Beau home. You helped us with watching for his cues of what he may be asking for and with much needed obedience training. Wishing you much success in your new venture. Your new puppy families are lucky to have you training their fur babies.
-Mary from Toronto
*Picture from owner

I have known Yonnie for over 4 years now. From the first time she took care of my dog Summer, I knew I would always go back to her. I can tell her love and passion towards dogs, I feel safe to send my dog to her. I can’t count how many times Summer was being “ stubborn” refuse to leave with me when I was picking her up after the stay. Clearly she had fun :) Yonnie has always been very responsive about any of my questions all the time. I felt really sad when Yonnie told me she’s moving back to HK. Summer and I will miss her very much.
-Sonia from Toronto

I've known Yonnie since she started as an apprentice with my mom/Gloria in 2016. She has dedicated herself to training dogs and their owners with care and understanding. I am confident in her ability to help dogs and dog owners to achieve their goals in obedience and relationships between each other.

We brought home our dog "Kumkoo" from the breeder when he was about 3-4 months old, and by sheer luck, we came to learn about a dog trainer named Yonnie who was willing to provide on-site dog training at our home. Having Yonnie being able to train Kumkoo at our home was a blessing, where she showed me and family how to interact with the newborn puppy within our home. Yonnie taught us various positive reinforcement techniques to encourage Kumkoo to become well behaved while enjoying herself. Yonnie also provided a lot of professional advice on dietary and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for our dog, she also showed us how to properly display our emotions to help Kumkoo learn what is right from wrong, proper eating habits through games, just to name a few. Most importantly, I felt that I was able to successfully build a powerful bond between my dog and I, like mother and son with Yonnie's help. After our training sessions were completed, Yonnie continued to offer unconditional support to any of our concerns and inquiries, she is also very patient throughout the training sessions. Now that Kumkoo is 2 years old, she continues to be well behaved and loved by our friends and family. If anyone is looking for a dog trainer, I highly recommend Yonnie. Not only was she able to provide professional advice in an approachable manner, she was also able to help Kumkoo live a more comfortable life, that suits our lifestyle!❤️
-Patricia from Toronto

Our Belgium shepherd was young, fairly large, powerful, strong—mind with no small amount of behaviour issues when we get the help from Yonnie and her mentor. Yonnie is a pleasant, smart, thorough, and detail-oriented person. She worked with her mentor to help us to go through the basics and correct the misunderstanding in our handling of the dog. These minor details added up into big improvements in our handling of the dog whose behaviour has greatly been improved. Highly recommend her!
-Connie from Toronto
*Picture from owner

Bubble 是一隻6歲的法國鬥牛犬,因爲前主人沒有好好的照顧,導致身心上出現各種問題。經過朋友的介紹認識了Yonnie後,Bubble 身心上都得到了改善,變成了一隻有自信的狗。
由於新主人在偏遠地區,所以Yonnie 只能透過WhatsApp指導新主人如何訓練和處理Bubble 的行為問題。
Yonnie 有的不止是耐心,更有的是熱誠。一隻6歲的狗這麼多年來都沒受過任何專業訓練,也沒有得到前主人的關愛和照料。但Yonnie 單單靠着電話上的文字和圖片,也可以令Bubble 由從沒接觸過波波到學會享受玩樂。由害怕水花到愛上洗澡。
Yonnie 的Positive Training不止是訓練你的愛犬 ,更是讓新主人明白到當中的積極正面能量比坊間的訓練更有用!
Pawsitive Training絕對是我信任又放心的訓練中心。
-Queenie from Winnipeg
*Picture from owner

Very informative session, Yonnie taught us a lot about dog psychology and how to discipline her. Great result. She learn not to rush out the door before us, covered command lots of commands, we learned to make Bubu submissive. We are in much better control of Bubu now. The result is immediate!
Yonnie is an outstanding dog trainer who has had a profound impact on our lives. Our once unruly dog, Bubu, used to bark relentlessly at 3 am and wake us up at 6 am, causing significant sleep disruptions. Yonnie's remarkable expertise turned things around. Through her effective training methods, Bubu has become obedient and well-behaved. Now, we sleep peacefully through the night, and Bubu's behavior has dramatically improved. I highly recommend Yonnie to anyone in need of a skilled and compassionate dog trainer. Her transformative abilities are truly exceptional!
-Mandy and Kaka from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

The positive reinforcement method of training really helps in guiding and building that foundation for a strong bond between me and my pup. Bourbon learnt how to walk properly on leash and respond to basic commands within a short space of time. The fun-filled method of training also helps to develop and maintain good habits.
Yonnie is superb - she is kind, professional and very attentive. Her master tips and guidance are always appreciated!
-Jessica from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

Yonnie was very clear and thorough in her training process and was quick to identify problems and offer different solutions to handle them. We covered the basics such as the sit via hand signal, drop/leave it command, the come command, and more importantly, potty training. My furbaby was already 2 years old when he came to me so I really thought it might be a lost cause to potty train him at that point. It took us 2 hours to cover the basics listed above. An important thing when it comes to training is, a lot of the work really rests on the pawrent persistently training and revisiting the techniques with your furbaby. You need to be realistic that a trainer can only provide techniques and troubleshoot your problems unless you are prepared to have a trainer come in daily for training! Thankfully, I am not alone after the training - I was very impressed Yonnie consistently followed up on our progress afterwards and offered alternatives and suggestions when there are hiccups or relapses to my furbaby's behaviour/progress. Even long after, Yonnie still remembers us and checks in from time to time! It is definitely well worth the money and time.
-Karen from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

We had the pleasure of working with Yonnie on multiple occasions to address some destructive behavior displayed by our dog at home, which was primarily due to boredom. Yonnie's approach was exceptional as she devoted ample time to truly understand our dog and us as pet parents, carefully analyzing the situation at home. The experience felt highly personalized, and it was clear that she didn't provide generic answers but rather made genuine efforts to comprehend our dynamics as pawrents and our dog's behavior. Her dedication and commitment to tailoring the training to our specific needs were truly remarkable.
We had such a positive experience working with Yonnie and we highly appreciate her ongoing support and follow-up. It meant a lot to us that she continued to check in on our dog's progress, ensuring that she was doing well even after the training sessions. Yonnie’s commitment to our dog's well-being and her dedication to providing continued assistance made the entire experience amazing. We are incredibly grateful for Yonnie's expertise and the positive impact she has had on our furry companion. Thank you so much!
-The Nguyens from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner

Thank you Yonnie for helping us with Luna! When she knew we were struggling with Luna’s behavior, she immediately offered help. She taught us different ways to address Luna’s issues and help us understand Luna more. It’s unbelievable Luna can improve within a short time!!! Yonnie’s knowledge and passion and love towards dogs and dog training make her a great dog trainer. We are lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from Yonnie!
-Luna's mom from Hong Kong
*Picture from owner
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